1964 Grand Session
Grand Worthy Advisor
Sharon Vitt
2nd Annual Grand Assembly
Theme: Friendship's Paradise
Colors: Pink, White, Green
Flower: Rose
Dedication: "With love in our hearts, we dedicate the second Grand Assembly of Alaska to a man who has been like the North Star, a guiding light, to his Rainbow Girls. He has given freely of his time and energy to help make our Order what it is today, a growing and enthusiastic group of young women who want to maintain Rainbow for future generations in Alaska. And so we dedicate this 1963-1964 session to Mr. Robert M. Parkins, Supreme Deputy. And to follow his example of unselfish love and service, we chose for our Grand Assembly this motto: Happiness adds and multiplies as we divide it with others."
The Grand Officers formed a heart around the altar following the dedication, during which a picture of Mr. Parkins was unveiled.
Grand Officers
First Row: Sandy Hollis, Grand Drill Leader; Jeannine Drinkall, Grand Recorder; Janie Hanks, Grand Treasurer; Sharon Vitt, Grand Worthy Advisor; Danna Poor, Grand Worthy Associate Advisor; Sherry Smith, Grand Hope; Ann Butcher, Grand Faith; Joan Benson, Grand Charity.
Second Row: Gaynelle Scott, Grand Historian; Elaine Schwab, Grand Patriotism; Kathy Tibbles, Grand Love; Carol Nurse, Grand Chaplain; Jeanette Alexander, Grand Fidelity; Glee Casler, Grand Immortality; Charlotte Simpler, Grand Service; Toni Helland, Grand Religion.
Third Row: Bonnie Mitchell, Grand Executive Board; Pam Casey, Grand Outer Observer; Penny Thomasson, Grand Choir Director; Judy Loveseth, Grand Musician; Candy Wilson, Grand Confidential Observer; Kathy Peterson, Grand Lecturer; Marion McCombs, Grand Executive Board; Fay Laurie, Grand Nature.
Grand Mother Advisor Mrs. Florence Hale
In a rose-garden setting of rustic fences entwined with pink roses and featuring in the East a mural of a winding path to a golden sunset of "Friendships Paradise," this second Grand Assembly of Alaska was called to order by Katheryn Peterson, Grand Lecturer.
The Grand Choir entered the Grand Assembly Room wearing identical floor-length white dresses with green sashes carrying out the color of Sharon's theme. They came in singing "I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked" carrying song books of pink satin with applique of white doves. After the opening march they continued to sing while forming a large cross east of the altar and assuming their place in the Grand North.
The Grand Officers then entered the Grand Assembly Room while the Grand Choir sang "No Man is an Island." The Grand Officers were dressed in pink brocade taffeta with scoop necks and very full skirts carrying double hearts of green with pink frilled trim and garlands of pink satin roses forming a gay detail across them. The Grand Pages wore pink flowered dresses of the same pattern while the dress of the Grand Worthy Advisor was of green sating trimmed with wide Irish lace.
Grand Cross Designates
Lillian Dore, Juneau #3, Grand Page to North; Cathy Davis, Nugget #13, Grand Page to the Grand Worthy Advisor; Donna Bryant, North Star #9, Grand Page to the South; Donna McCubbins, Delta Junction, Grand Page to the Grand Recorder; Bonnie Reeder, Sitka #12, Grand Page to the West; Sandy Bartles, Fairbanks #1, Grand Page to the Supreme Deputy.