2002 Grand Session
Grand Worthy Advisor
Jennifer Clymer
40th Annual Grand Assembly
Theme: Polynesian Paradise
Colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, & Violet
Flower: Hibiscus & Plumeria
Mascot: Sea Turtles & Flamingos
Symbols: Butterflies
Motto: "Life isn't a matter of milestones, but moments." Rose Kennedy
Scripture: Matthew 17:20 "Because you have so little faith, I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
Service Project: Feeding the Hungry - 3087 pounds of food, 157 hours of feeding the hungry.
Gold Dust Pledge Assembly #1 received their charter during the 2002 Grand Session.
"Hawaiian Hula" Grand Officers
First Row, Grand Pages: Ashley Stewart, Recorder; Mallory Richards, Hope; Candace Keyes, GWAA; Brianna Spelta, GWA; Sarah Mitchell, Charity; Lana Franklin, Supreme Deputy; Sarah Lincoln, East.
Second Row: Grand Recorder Amanda Aceves, Grand Hope Bayleen Keyes, GWAA Kimberly Stout, GWA Jennifer, Grand Charity Rachel Clymer, Grand Faith Kristen Spelta, Grand Treasurer Jennifer Wasson
Third Row: Grand Chaplain Brandon Wigfield, Grand Drill Leader Katie Richards, Grand Immortality Raven Keyes, Grand Choir Director/Soloist Samantha Kincheloe, Grand Religion Sheena James, Grand Fidelity Julie Williams, Grand Love Becky Kruse, Grand Service Tara Sandberg, Grand Confidential Observer Samantha Lindemann, Grand Patriotism Jessica Coffey, Grand Lecturer Danielle DeFreez
Jr. GEB: Jennifer, Becky, Jessica, Raven
Grand Mother Advisor Mrs. Stephanie Clymer
Grand Cross Officers
Grand Choir
Grand Line Officers
I would like to introduce to you my family. Thank you for teaching me wrong from right, and encouraging me to keep my dreams in sight. For showing me to not let obstacles keep me down, and for creating a smile from my frown. For saying that you care about me, and for showing just how special love should be. For wiping my tears away when I am feeling sad, and for calming me down when I get mad. For helping others with the good that you do, and for teaching me that I should help others, too. For hugging me when I am feeling blue, and telling me "I love you." Thank you my family, for all that you do. I don't know where I would be if it weren't for you.
Because of all that you have done for me, and all that you continue to do for me, it is with great pleasure that I dedicate the 40th Polynesian Paradise of the Grand Assembly of Alaska to you.