1975 Grand Session
Grand Worthy Advisor
Marleen Moffitt
13th Annual Grand Assembly
Theme: Love is a Song to be Shared
Colors: Red & Pink
Flower: Rose, cosmos, Alaskan cotton, pussywillows
Service Project: Collecting toys for the children's hospital
Grand Mother Advisor Mrs. Cathy Crow
GWA Marleen's quilt
Baby Dedication
Grand Choir march-in
Past Grand Mother Advisors
Grand Cross Recipients
Grand Assembly Song, written by Laurie Leach, Grand Treasurer. To the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy:
She's a really Rainbow Grandie
She's a Rainbow Grandie doll
Marleen Moffitt came to Anchorage
Riding on a Rainbow
When she got to AMU
The girls all knew her name, oh!
Give a cheer for 13 years
Give a cheer for Rainbow
Give a cheer for Alaska's girls
And there you have our tale, Oh!